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Year 2020
November 2020


Vocal Teacher

The joy in teaching is in the sharing. I learn from students as much as they learn from me. This continuous journey has helped and shown me how unique each individual is when they blossom.

Dwayne graduated from the American Musical and Dramatic Academy in New York. A performer for more than 20 years, his local and US credits include The LKY Musical, Jr. Claus, Spring Awakening, Thoroughly Modern Millie, Romeo and Juliet, Hot Pants, Beauty World, Army Daze, Snow White, Hansel & Gretel, Little Red Riding Hood, Pinocchio and Forbidden City. His full resume is available on his website dwaynetan.webs.com.

He has staged, written and produced for the Esplanade – Fairy Tales – The Full Picture, The Show Must Go On, School Rules! and has put some of his students on stage with him as well. Dwayne also wrote and composed the musical adaptation of Hansel and Gretel: An Eco Adventure. Being a finalist on Singapore Idol led to his self-produced EP, Moments Alone. His work extends to voiceovers for TV commercials, and many cartoons. On TV, his credits include Sunshine Station, HBO’s Serangoon Road, Incredible Tales, Singapore’s first animated sitcom Heartland Hubby and Luggy and Zippy. He can also be heard on Class 95FM.